LIRR Long Beach Commuter Parking and Bus Garage
The Long Beach Bus Garage and Parking Facility is a two-level concrete structure constructed in 2002 by the Long Island Railroad (LIRR), who was responsible for all phases of initial construction. Upon completion, the facility was turned over to the City of Long Beach, who is responsible ongoing operation, maintenance and repair. The station is a registered landmark with the Long Beach Island Landmarks Association. As a high-volume commuter parking facility and historic landmark, general wear-and-tear issues have been reported to the City. The City’s Department of Public Works retained Walker to inspect the condition of the facility.
Walker performed a condition assessment that included non-destructive testing to determine the extent of structural defects. Additionally, the team performed an acoustic survey to pinpoint concrete cracking and spall corrosion. Walker provided recommended repairs and maintenance as well as estimated probable costs to mitigate deterioration on a 5-year horizon.
The findings and conceptual repair program allowed for strategic selection of future repairs. The City can properly budget for upcoming repairs.

Ibrahim Erdem, PhD, PE, SE, QPSI
Director – Forensics, Restoration and Building Envelope

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